Creative Commons License
My World Views by Thomas Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are the European Elections Telling the Rest of the World Something?

I believe that the elections are absolutely sending a message. I believe they are. The election results show that enough people are fed up with the way things are going and are willing to change the type of leadership they have in some cases rather dramatically.

People want some very dramatic change that will help the common folk as quickly as help was given to the financial sector.

I am not at all advocating a Socialist government. I am however, strongly advocating for a change in the type of Capitalism we practice.

What we need is a retreat back to Stakeholder Capitalism where company decisions took into account everyone involved. Vendors, neighbors, customers, employees and shareholders were all considered in the decision making process and in so doing very powerful and strong decisions were made that would keep a company growing and increasing in abilities and stature for years and years to come. This is the advantage of stakeholder capitalism.

Shareholder capitalism on the other makes decisions based almost solely on the wants of the the shareholders. The shareholders, who are risking their money and absolutely deserve to have good decisions made, are nowadays only interested in how much a return can be made in the shortest time. The problem with that is that it really allows no long term planning to occur since the vast majority of the profits go right to the stockholders. This is also the reason for astronomical CEO pay that is seen because the stockholders vote in the board of directors and the goal of the board of directors is of course to stay in that position so their duty in today’s world lies almost completely to the stockholder.

I am not sure that many people have even heard of these two types of capitalism but it would truly make for a far more equitable world while still allowing the wealthy to increase their wealth to a great extent.

It would also allow the less wealthy to move into an area of somewhat more wealth that may give those who have been working hard all their lives to actually retire. As things are going now I will likely die on the job at some point, hopefully far in the future, but unless things change I will never be able to retire. I will work until the day I die.

I am also not advocating that we give high salaries to those that are not doing a job that is good enough to warrant it but we have people that have been doing their jobs for years and have become better and better at it but are making less in real terms than they were 15 or 20 years ago and I find that to be incredibly sad.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Does Anyone Understand Riots?

There seems to be a common theme all over the world when unrest starts to foment. In Greece right now there are terrible riots going on and we have had out share in the past, and with the economy as it is we may see more(I hope not).

I don’t seem to grasp the mindset of those that are rioting. Let me see if I can get this straight. I am unhappy with something going on. I am going to make sure everyone knows how unhappy I am. I know. I will destroy my own neighborhood. That’ll show them.

The next day you will have weeping and wailing from everyone in the area. Some of it totally justified but inevitably some of those doing the weeping and wailing will turn out to have been part of the most egregious damage that was done. Does anyone understand this at all?

I guess we are all more alike through the world than we would like to believe.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Smart Shopping In a Poor Economy

With the economy in the state that it is in it is wise to make use of anything at all that can help you save money and get value for the money you do spend. There are many sites claiming to help but I found one that is actually useful.

Become is an excellent site for researching a product and comparing prices.

Suppose you were looking for a white wooden lamp base. You find a substantial selection of them and are able to see prices from several retailers.

Say you want a lap desk with storage compartment or a lightweight duvet cover. Again you find a good selection and are able to compare prices.

There are many online shopping options but I believe that Become is definitely a good one because it does give you the ability to compare prices and information from a number of suppliers so you can make an intelligent decision about what you want to spend your hard earned money on.

Creative Commons License
My World Views by Thomas M. Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.