Creative Commons License
My World Views by Thomas Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What Is Happening In The World Today


The people in the world today are still having serious trouble making ends meet. It is really time for all the governments to retrieve all of the money that was given to the financial industry plus another 20% or so as a fine for causing the issues we are having.

Once the money is retrieved it should be given spread evenly to the public that is still rarely able to survive. We also need to start thinking about regulations. We don’t need a ton of regulations but we should start regulating pricing from corporations that are price gouging their customers.

Companies and corporations are certainly entitled to make profits but it should be against the law to use all the profits to just give their executives insane amounts of money.

Employees should be making far more now then they did a decade ago but many are making even less. Productivity has climbed dramatically but pay scales have gone down so the is pay gouging the employees.

Pay should certainly be based on individual productivity and quality. Not everyone is good at what they do and would not making as much as the best employees but there is not one single employee on the planet that should not be making enough to at least cover living and healthcare expenses.

Ok you politicians around the world stop all your crap and fix your citizens!!!


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Creative Commons License
My World Views by Thomas M. Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.