Creative Commons License
My World Views by Thomas Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How To Be Loved And Approved By The Rest Of The World


We were at one point the most successful and beloved country on the planet.

Not everyone liked us but when we were treating our citizens appropriately that was making millions of people very impressed and wanting to live here.

We have destroyed that now since the only thing we are ding is helping those that are very wealthy become obscenely wealthy by letting the abuse their employees and by allowing them to send jobs overseas.

I have no problem with people working overseas but they should be used to cover problems where we do not have enough people here to cover the issues.

When we have millions looking for work there is absolutely no excuse for sending jobs overseas. Once we have all our people employed then we absolutely can send jobs overseas to cover what we do not have enough employees for.

Every single company in this country and in other countries should have their leadership placed in jail for abusing the people of their country.

If you are making 10s of millions of dollars or more while many of your employees are barely able to survive on their salaries then you should be fined enough to place you in the same financial situation as your employees and the fines should be distributed evenly among your poorly paid employees.

All you need to do is make sure you are paying your employees enough to live reasonably well. As the CEO and developer of your company you absolutely deserve to live very well but you should be forbidden to live well if you refuse to pay your employees enough to at least be reasonably comfortable.

At my last job I was not by any stretch of the imagination the lowest paid employee but I was still barely living paycheck to paycheck and the CEO of that company was making about 1000 times more than I was making.

I wonder how proud of that he was.

The biggest world problem as far as economy goes is that we have apparently taught many countries how to make a few people insanely rich while screwing over their citizens.

If this is allowed to continue for another couple of years I expect to see the majority of people living in tents or shacks outside the castles or mansions of the wealthy as most become peons again as what was happening several centuries ago and it lasted through the gilded age.

Those of you who are wealthy assholes be prepared for the torches and pitchforks to come back out. It will be something other than actual torches and Pitchforks but whatever it turns out to be will make you unhappy.

Start paying people well and treating them properly and that will never happen.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What Is Happening In The World Today


The people in the world today are still having serious trouble making ends meet. It is really time for all the governments to retrieve all of the money that was given to the financial industry plus another 20% or so as a fine for causing the issues we are having.

Once the money is retrieved it should be given spread evenly to the public that is still rarely able to survive. We also need to start thinking about regulations. We don’t need a ton of regulations but we should start regulating pricing from corporations that are price gouging their customers.

Companies and corporations are certainly entitled to make profits but it should be against the law to use all the profits to just give their executives insane amounts of money.

Employees should be making far more now then they did a decade ago but many are making even less. Productivity has climbed dramatically but pay scales have gone down so the is pay gouging the employees.

Pay should certainly be based on individual productivity and quality. Not everyone is good at what they do and would not making as much as the best employees but there is not one single employee on the planet that should not be making enough to at least cover living and healthcare expenses.

Ok you politicians around the world stop all your crap and fix your citizens!!!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Why The US Is No Longer Seen As The World Leader In Many Countries


One big problem is the fact that our political leaders are completely unwilling to work together to do what is needed. We have way to many politicians that think that we have no need to work with other countries to truly help them. No one is willing to actually try and work together. There are issues with terrorist groups that we just play with and won’t do what needs to be done to get rid of them.

Another problem is our citizens who travel overseas. Many act as though they are in their own home and refuse to adhere to the laws in the other countries as they should. Many Americans are pretty xenophobic which means they have no respect for the cultures and/or the Religions in the countries they go to.

Since we are completely unwilling to actually be truly helpful the rest of the world just considers us to be inconsiderate and unfriendly. Isolationism is a very bad thing.


Friday, October 10, 2014



It is still relatively dangerous to be off the coast of Somalia but several countries are patrolling that area and have cut down on the number of ships taken over by pirates.

This was happening because Somalia for decades has not really had a government so it was completely uncontrolled.

Now we have a new area of the world that is becoming a piracy problem. We have ships being prated in South East Asia now.

Not everyone may agree with the types of government but the countries there all actually have a government and they are not in a position where criminal groups can just take over so not sure what the hell is going on there.

We need to put together a world group that has the power to handle problem like this but with common sense people in control and the authority to tell the legislature of any country that wants to stand in the way to go screw itself.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Why is the World Becoming Worse?


Look around at everything that is happening and get as much information as you can from many sources. Do not allow yourself to be conned into believing someone else's views. Make your own informed decision.

Some of the problems we have in the world are caused by the way some of our citizens behave when overseas.

For instance when I was in the Philippines I was in the restaurant at the hotel the company put me up at one evening and an American that from the sound of his voice in my opinion was from somewhere in the Midwest starting ripping into the poor girl who was his waitress.

The problem was that there had been a small misunderstanding and she brought him the wrong drink and he started to rip into her like she was serving him poison.

I had the same thing happen to me. When I got there I wanted to try a daiquiri which I figured would be awesome in a tropical country where the fruit was not shipped in from all over the place. So I ordered a daiquiri and I ended up with a very large glass of ice filled with Tanqueray. 

Did I then start chewing out the waitress? Hell no. I ordered a glass of Mango juice to go along with it and all was fine.

For those of you that travel please remember when you are traveling, particularly when you are on another country, THIS IS NOT YOUR HOUSE! Behave yourself and don’t act like an asshole.

It does happen all the time of course but when it does happen it blown up to the point where everyone anywhere nearby is aware.

As the waitress walked by me in tears I stopped her and gave her a tip while looking directly into the eyes of the asshole that started this. And when the restaurant manager came out I stopped him as well and told him that nothing had happened except for a small mistake and that he should ignore the idiot that caused this.

In my opinion, based on things I have actually seen. This is a small part of why we are disliked in some countries. But even with what happened at that restaurant we are not disliked in the Philippines except for a group of Islamic militants down in the south of the country but they are a very small minority.

Friday, November 29, 2013

My View of the World at the End of 2013


It really matters not what part of the world you speak about today. Every single country has major problems whether admitted or not and the governments are really not doing anything to help.

In the United States for instance, today there is a massive cut back in the Food Stamp program which will impact as many as 40 million people. The problem is that no one is willing to address this correctly. As in any program where there is a lot of money involved you will find some amount of fraud but rather than really cracking down on that a bunch of politicians got together and just pulled a dollar figure out of their collective ass without having any idea how much actual fraud is taking place.

In other countries around the world all of the “fixes” are beating the hell out of people that are already struggling just to survive.

I suggest that we go to the financial institutions that have been making massive profits because the governments in a lot of cases have been essentially funding them and take back some of that profit and lets feed, clothe and house people. Or rather than taking it back stop this BS about how paying people more will cripple the economy. People have had their wages cut immensely over the last decade and that has not helped prevent the problem or brought back the economy one damned bit.

In the 80s and 90s people were treated and paid far better than they are now and we had a magnificent economy. How about if we go back there?

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why Can’t We All Get Along!

I am so tired of seeing Facebook posts of those that feel obligated to slam Islam or Muslims in general or immigrants to the US whether legal or illegal.

There have been some horrible things done by People of other cultures and I will fully admit that but these people that seem to believe it is perpetrated by the majority of those folks are so very wrong.

I personally am not alarmed by whatever your religious affiliation is. You are welcome in my house. You may be Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Shinto, Taoist, Christian, or whatever faith I have missed. I may not be familiar fully with your beliefs but I know that there is no religion out there that is truly looking for the eradication of the rest of the world that is not the same religion.

Many people in the US complain and go after Muslims while Christians historically have been some of the most violent people in history. We have the the unfortunate obligation of being responsible for the Crusades and the Inquisition.

Christianity as a whole has probably been responsible for more death and violence over the course of history than anyone else.

Anyone in this world, regardless of their religion, is welcome in my house. Although in todays economy I will be rather hard pressed to provide anything more than basic necessities.

Never fear me. I am the most tolerant person that anyone will ever meet.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are the European Elections Telling the Rest of the World Something?

I believe that the elections are absolutely sending a message. I believe they are. The election results show that enough people are fed up with the way things are going and are willing to change the type of leadership they have in some cases rather dramatically.

People want some very dramatic change that will help the common folk as quickly as help was given to the financial sector.

I am not at all advocating a Socialist government. I am however, strongly advocating for a change in the type of Capitalism we practice.

What we need is a retreat back to Stakeholder Capitalism where company decisions took into account everyone involved. Vendors, neighbors, customers, employees and shareholders were all considered in the decision making process and in so doing very powerful and strong decisions were made that would keep a company growing and increasing in abilities and stature for years and years to come. This is the advantage of stakeholder capitalism.

Shareholder capitalism on the other makes decisions based almost solely on the wants of the the shareholders. The shareholders, who are risking their money and absolutely deserve to have good decisions made, are nowadays only interested in how much a return can be made in the shortest time. The problem with that is that it really allows no long term planning to occur since the vast majority of the profits go right to the stockholders. This is also the reason for astronomical CEO pay that is seen because the stockholders vote in the board of directors and the goal of the board of directors is of course to stay in that position so their duty in today’s world lies almost completely to the stockholder.

I am not sure that many people have even heard of these two types of capitalism but it would truly make for a far more equitable world while still allowing the wealthy to increase their wealth to a great extent.

It would also allow the less wealthy to move into an area of somewhat more wealth that may give those who have been working hard all their lives to actually retire. As things are going now I will likely die on the job at some point, hopefully far in the future, but unless things change I will never be able to retire. I will work until the day I die.

I am also not advocating that we give high salaries to those that are not doing a job that is good enough to warrant it but we have people that have been doing their jobs for years and have become better and better at it but are making less in real terms than they were 15 or 20 years ago and I find that to be incredibly sad.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Does Anyone Understand Riots?

There seems to be a common theme all over the world when unrest starts to foment. In Greece right now there are terrible riots going on and we have had out share in the past, and with the economy as it is we may see more(I hope not).

I don’t seem to grasp the mindset of those that are rioting. Let me see if I can get this straight. I am unhappy with something going on. I am going to make sure everyone knows how unhappy I am. I know. I will destroy my own neighborhood. That’ll show them.

The next day you will have weeping and wailing from everyone in the area. Some of it totally justified but inevitably some of those doing the weeping and wailing will turn out to have been part of the most egregious damage that was done. Does anyone understand this at all?

I guess we are all more alike through the world than we would like to believe.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Smart Shopping In a Poor Economy

With the economy in the state that it is in it is wise to make use of anything at all that can help you save money and get value for the money you do spend. There are many sites claiming to help but I found one that is actually useful.

Become is an excellent site for researching a product and comparing prices.

Suppose you were looking for a white wooden lamp base. You find a substantial selection of them and are able to see prices from several retailers.

Say you want a lap desk with storage compartment or a lightweight duvet cover. Again you find a good selection and are able to compare prices.

There are many online shopping options but I believe that Become is definitely a good one because it does give you the ability to compare prices and information from a number of suppliers so you can make an intelligent decision about what you want to spend your hard earned money on.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Arrogance of Power

For those that dislike the US Congress please remember that we are not alone in the world with politicians that are really only interested in consolidating and maintaining their power base.

I agree with you 100% about the congress. They just keep on doing what they are doing despite the fact that only about 11% of the country thinks they are doing a good job.

Other places have their issues as well. In Russia Vladimir Putin has been quoted as stating that he believes that the old Soviet Union should be put back together which would fix things in that country. Oh for the good old days of the Cold War.

In Syria the government has been firing on its own citizens when they protest. They then deny it vehemently even when presented with pictures and videos showing it happening.

Never forget that it could always be worse. That being said, Congress is absolutely doing a horrible job. A number of Congressional Leaders have publicly stated that their job is to make sure that President Obama is a one term president.

Come election day 2012 please make sure you all remember that in order for us to move ahead and bring prosperity back to the ones that have lost it and to finally let those that never had it to enjoy it, we need to vote out the whole kit and caboodle of them and bring in all new.

Remember that we have that option. As arrogant and self righteous as our politicians are, I can not see them sic'ing the military on on the public as has been done elsewhere.

We badly need to move forward and fix the mess that we are in as soon as we can but keeping everyone in office will just maintain the status quo we will have the same issues after the election.


Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Danger of Iran

I am actually a bit frightened right now because I actually agree with Michelle Bachmann about something. She lambasted Ron Paul over his views on Iran and as much as I don’t want to, I agree with her.

Ron Paul’s isolationist stance is a very dangerous view of the world. The idea that we will be perfectly safe if we just ignore the rest of the world shows a Foreign Policy naivety of the average 3 year old playing peek-a-boo believing that hiding his or her face means they become invisible.

Martin Niemöller is credited with the following quote that shows the dangers of only looking out for yourself and I have no doubts that Congressman Paul is fully aware of this quote which makes it even worse because he knows better.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

I am frightened about agreeing with Michelle Bachmann because she is, in my opinion, completely incapable of speaking in public without screwing up big time. She does not seem to be aware that when you are stating what you mean that the words that come out of your mouth need to be defined the way you mean it.

Blurting stuff out when you are speaking with a foreign ruler or diplomat is dangerous because you can go back and tell them what you meant to say but the damage will already be done because they will have their own people with them giving real time interpretation from English to whatever language they speak. Even if they speak English care is still needed because from the perspective of work meanings and pronunciation, English is an incredibly difficult language.

Congressman Paul and Congresswoman Bachmann please for the love of everything, give it up and let someone with common sense (assuming we can find that in a politician) take over and run this ship.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Little Common Sense Goes a Long Way!

I am very happy for the parents of the students released in Egypt and flying home and I am very glad they appear to be unharmed. My question is why were they there in the first place?

No doubt we will hear things about learning tolerance through experiencing foreign cultures and other such niceties. I am all for that and I agree 100% that it is a great experience for young people and really, for everyone. My problem is the timing. I do not recall hearing anything about student trips abroad to places like the Ia Drang Valley or the villages around Khe Son in Vietnam in the 60s. They had common sense and knew to keep their kids out of harms way.

If the students were there when the original protests took place they should have been pulled out of school and flown home immediately. If they just recently went over there then their parents are incredibly naïve or stupid for not waiting for things to settle down completely.

I truly hope to some day be able to travel to Egypt but I will be traveling there when the chance of protests with people number in the 10s of thousands has gone away and things are relatively peaceful. Until there is a stable government to replace Mubarak then it is foolish to travel there for anything other than your job.

Creative Commons License
My World Views by Thomas M. Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.